About me

Dr.-Ing. Walter L. Kuehnlein (PhD)

Dr. Walter L. Kuehnlein (PhD)

Professional Roles:
NRG.Vision CEO & Founder
terra.blue Independent Expert Advisor for Energy, Marine & Ice Technology Innovations
Principal @ Long International Inc.
Board Member, University Lecturer, and Speaker

Focus Areas:
- Fair and sustainable use of the oceans
- Smart and sustainable energy solutions
- Blue and smart concepts for offshore and ice
- AI and digitization for optimizing energy and marine technologies and concepts

As a seasoned Independent Expert Advisor for Energy (NRG), Marine, and Ice Technology Innovations, I use cutting-edge AI and emerging technology solutions that unlock sustainable growth, reduce environmental impact, and deliver exceptional results.
A valuable partner in a sustainable future.

Professional Affiliations:
Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors, German Association for Marine Technology (GMT); served 15 years as Chairman
Lecturer in “Ice Engineering” and “Offshore Engineering” at Hamburg University of Technology 
Lecturer in “Ocean Technology” at Berlin University of Technology
Advisor for the Magazine Ship&Offshore (2009-2024)
Symposium Coordinator for Arctic Technology at OMAE Conferences  (2001-2023)
Member of the German Offshore Committee of DNV (2005-2022)
Chairman of several Arctic conferences, including ATC 2016 (Arctic Technology Conference) in St. John's, NF, Canada

Career Highlights:
Involved in the first drilling project in the North Caspian Sea since 1997, working as Engineering and Project Manager in the US, Russia, and Kazakhstan, and currently serving as an Advisor
Managing Director of sea2ice Ltd. & Co. KG (2008-2019)
Director at Hamburg Ship Model Basin (HSVA), responsible for Ice & Offshore (2001-2009)

Ph.D. in Ocean Engineering from Berlin University of Technology, Germany
Graduated in Civil & Ocean Engineering

Dr. Kuehnlein advocates for designing and optimizing offshore installations and energy systems in harsh environments from an operational perspective. This approach considers environmental sensitivity, operational aspects, technical possibilities, construction and investment requirements, and life-cycle and operational costs.
While this may seem straightforward, it remains a remarkable vision because most offshore projects are currently designed primarily from an engineering standpoint. By developing a holistic concept early in the project, new offshore concepts can be formulated, significantly reducing construction and life-cycle costs—potentially by up to 50%, especially for projects in ice-covered waters.
I provide expert support on sustainable energy and marine strategies/concepts/systems, utilizing emerging technologies including AI to minimize environmental impact and enhance savings:
  • Philosophies for smart, sustainable, and clean generation, storage, and transportation of energy
  • Digitization and use of artificial intelligence (AI) in marine & energy technologies
  • Big data 
  • Design philosophies for offshore structures and systems in harsh environments (ice and open waters)
  • Design philosophies for arctic operational concepts for offshore installations
  • Review and consulting for new designs and concepts (working for operators or contractors) considering operational, engineering, constructional and environmental aspect
  • Offshore Wind: concepts for design, installation, operations & logistics
  • Tailor made solutions for new concepts, platforms, upgrades and modifications using operational, engineering, constructional and environmental optimized solutions
  • Analysis of ice conditions and consequences on structures and systems
  • Analysis of wave (sea) conditions and consequences on structures and systems
  • Supervision of numerical simulations and/or model tests in ice and open waters
  • Evacuation concepts, especially for ice covered waters
  • HAZOP concepts and studies
  • Ice, wave, offshore engineering, rig move and platform installation courses
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